I realize that you may not have a qualified
Hypnotherapist in your neighbourhood, or you may be interested
in trying self-hypnosis by yourself. Self- Hypnosis has proven
to be a relatively inexpensive and safe way to deal with a lot of
simpler and single issues and is also a great reinforcer after a
live Hypnosis session.
I have done a lot of research on self-hypnosis programs and have
chosen and as two
of the top programs of their kind. Click on the pictures below
to see the full range of self-hypnosis downloads. You can immediately
download the session of your choice to your computer as an
MP3 file and sit back, close your eyes and enjoy!
Something to keep in mind though is that these self-hypnosis products
have to work for many different people so they are of necessity
somewhat general and may not always give you the specific results
you need to solve the problem. If you are unsure, contact me
first and we can discuss whether a downloadable self-hypnosis program
is right for you.
I have also found that many people have more than a single issue
(for example "I bite my nails and I'm afraid of spiders") when
they come to me. If you have more than one issue then there
is a strong possibility that they are connected. You might
want to talk to me first about a live session that will address
all your issues at the same time...The initial consultation is free.
I work very closely with you (somewhat like a Personal Trainer)
to custom develop a Hypnosis approach (also incorporating Neural
Linguistic Programming (NLP) and other techniques like Emotional
Freedom Technique (EFT), Core Transformation etc.) to your issues
and do a lot of coaching and follow up along the way. I will also
give you a customized self-hypnosis exercise for "homework" with
each session. Doing self-hypnosis after a session with me is a really
effective way to deepen the benefits of a live session.
Contact me if you need any advice on their self hypnosis products
or have any other questions.

Gift Certificates Available - Give that special someone the gift of change!
Call or email to schedule a free initial consultation
Halifax Hypnosis
(902) 225 6527
Week days Mon - Fri 09:00 - 16:00 By Appointment